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  • Erosion Control.
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The Canterbury context

The Canterbury context

Starting Point The Canterbury context Erosion is a worldwide problem, but there are aspects of it that are particular to Canterbury. This section covers our particular circumstances around: What erosion is The types of erosion occurring in Canterbury Wind and rain...
Our expectations

Our expectations

Starting Point Our expectations You are required by Environment Canterbury to apply the best practicable options for erosion and sediment control in each situation within your project, and to make sure that all your activities comply with Regional Rules or Resource...
Reasons for ESC

Reasons for ESC

Starting Point Reasons for ESC There are many good reasons to use effective ESC tools to manage soil carefully when we disturb the land. Protect Mana Whenua values, water quality, reduce your costs and protect your reputation. Protect your land Soil is precious and...
What is a waterway?

What is a waterway?

Starting Point What is a waterway? In this toolbox, we have used the word ‘waterway’ to include: Rivers: a continually or intermittently flowing body of freshwater that includes streams and modified watercourses. Lakes: a body of freshwater which is entirely or nearly...
About the toolbox, acknowledgements and amendments

About the toolbox, acknowledgements and amendments

Starting Point About the toolbox, acknowledgements and amendments The toolbox contains Environment Canterbury’s guidelines for land and waterway disturbing activities that can cause sediment and dust discharge to water and air. It updates and replaces the Canterbury...