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Step 1: Dig a 200mm trench; Step 2: Hammer in 1mm waratahs or wooden fence post 200mm into the trench, therefore 400mm below ground level; Step 3: Install single galvanised wire and tension it at 50m intervals; Step 4: Install single layer of geotextile fabric hard against the side of the trench (800mm total height); Step 5: Back fill and compact well (critical).

Step-by-step installation of a silt fence. Step 1: Dig a 200mm trench; Step 2: Hammer in 1mm waratahs or wooden fence post 200mm into the trench, therefore 400mm below ground level; Step 3: Install single galvanised wire and tension it at 50m intervals; Step 4: Install single layer of geotextile fabric hard against the side of the trench (800mm total height); Step 5: Back fill and compact well (critical).