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Select the best practice option(s) and develop an ESC Plan for development/construction (Flowchart). Overall site management/planning: Minimise area and duration of exposure; Non-structural approaches (timing of earthworks, staging etc); Monitoring and updates to ESC plan. Then Erosion control ('manage conventrated flows' or 'stabilise surfaces'). Manage concentrated flows (runon [surface water flow or overland flow into a site] + runoff [surface water flow (or overland flow) that occurs when excess stormwater or other sources of water flow over the earth’s surface]). Water management controls: Clean and dirty water diversion channels + bunds; Contour drains/cutoffs; Check dams; Pipe drop structures + flumes | Stabilise surfaces Soil/surface stabilisation: Compost and grass seeding; Top soiling + grass seeding; Hydroseeding; Turfing; Mulching; Geotextiles and erosion control blankets; Soil binders; Surface roughening; Stabilised entrance ways. After Erosion Control, then Sediment control: Sediment retention ponds; Decanting earth bunds; Silt fences; Super silt fences; Silt socks; Stormwater inlet protection; Coagulant and flocculant treatment.

Guide to choosing erosion and sediment control best practice tools.